Cashew Cream


cashew cream in glass bowl

There are a lot of different reasons to go dairy free. Whatever your reason, you can still enjoy a lot of the same foods. You just need some ingredient swaps. Cashew cream is a healthy and delicious alternative to traditional cream. It is rich in healthy fats and protein and contains no cholesterol or lactose. It is versatile and easy to make, making it a great addition to any vegan or dairy-free diet. Cashews have a neutral flavor and add a creaminess to dishes without adding a nutty flavor. Coconut cream can also work as a cream substitute, it will add a coconut flavor to your dish.  I think it’s better for sweet dishes or curries.  Overall, cashew cream is a simple, tasty, and healthy recipe that can be used in a variety of dishes. Give it a try and discover the many ways you can incorporate this delicious vegan alternative into your cooking.


1 cup of cashews

1 cup of water

Pinch of kosher salt


Soak raw cashews in water for 8 hours. You can do a quick soak method by pouring boiling water on top of cashews and letting them soak for an hour. I usually buy cashews in bits and pieces since they are less expensive than whole cashews and you’re going to blend them anyway.  

raw cashews soaking in water in bowl

Drain cashews and add them to a blender. Add an equal amount of plain water and a pinch of kosher salt to the blender.  

raw cashews in blender

Blend cashews for a couple of minutes until the mixture is smooth. You may need to scrape the sides of the blender and continue blending.

Blended cashew cream in blender

Cashew Cream will last in the fridge for about a week. You can freeze it for later use.  
